Sermon Archives

Forerunner Christian Fellowship
August 10, 2013

Watch and Pray

Watch and Pray

Mention of the “end-times” can evoke many different ideas, ranging from images of charts with artists renderings of very odd apocalyptic creatures to doomsday nuclear scenarios. In this message from Forerunner Christian Fellowship on August 10th, 2013, Stephen first identifies what the biblical centerpiece of the end of the age truly is, and then how […]

February 24, 2013

Consumed Affections

Consumed Affections

Jesus commanded His people to abide in love (Jn. 15:9) and to love Him with all our heart (Mk 12:36).  All of humanity longs to live enthralled, and there is a great battle for the hearts of this generation. In this message, Stephen gives a vision for the depths of our being and the most […]

November 7, 2010

Glorifying Jesus through Costly Discipleship

Glorifying Jesus through Costly Discipleship

If we are looking rightly, one of most  astonishing features  of the New Testament is the great joy that the early disciples had in the midst of great sacrifice and suffering. How is this possible? In this message Stephen develops the often unfamiliar theme of the dynamic design that God has to glorify Jesus through […]

May 2, 2010

The Glory of Christ and the End Time Worship Movement

The glory of Jesus not only invokes a perpetual response of worship from those who behold Him around His throne, it demands a response from all who dwell on the earth. In this message Stephen explains the riveting implications of God’s zeal for His own glorification, why this necessitates a global worship movement, and the […]

April 25, 2010

The Worth of Christ and Incessant Worship

What is the ultimate reason why night and day prayer is important, and even necessary? The answer is found in the surpassing worth of Jesus and the testimony of the worship that transpires in heaven. In this message Stephen focuses on why the foundation and fuel of continuous devotion is found in the overwhelming splendor […]